Welcome to our new website

After over 7 years in business, I have finally decided it was time to invest in a professional website.  My previous efforts at DIY websites achieved the job of providing an on-line presence for Solitaire Consulting, but didn’t project the professional, high quality impression that I aim for.  I hope you agree that this is a lot better than the previous site, but as always I would welcome your feedback.

We commissioned local agency, Advertising International Ltd to design and build the site and are very pleased with the result.  Jon Allo and his team came up with lots of good ideas for presenting the content, which I wouldn’t have thought of.  Being a full service marketing company they were also able to provide a lot more added value than if we’d gone to a more technically focused company.

I’ll be adding new content regularly and sharing relevant information from my expanding network of associates and partners.

For the technophiles amongst you the site has been written in WordPress using the Elogix theme, enabling this blog and the static pages to integrate seamlessly.


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