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Cyber Security Awareness Training

Protecting your company’s intellectual property and information assets are key responsibilities of the Board of Directors.  Cyber Security is not just an IT problem, but requires everyone in the organisation to play his or her part in keeping data and systems safe.

It is essential to create the right culture and part of this is training for both staff and the board. Training should cover their respective responsibilities to prevent and mitigate the risk of a cyber security attack.

In response to requests from clients, Solitaire Consulting has created two cyber security awareness courses. The first is a general session aimed at all staff, the second is specific to the board of directors. Both courses are tailored to the client’s IT landscape and will be designed to complement their existing information and cyber security policies.

Following attendance at numerous cyber security conferences and events, including the The Future of Cyber Security Europe in London in December 2018, these training courses have been redesigned and updated for 2019. The updates include information on the latest threats and mitigation best practices.

The typical awareness course covers the following areas:

  • Introduction to cyber security
    • What does it mean
    • What do we need to protect
    • Who are we protecting information from
  • Attack tools and techniques – including details of the latest threats seen in 2018
    • Social media exploitation
    • Social engineering
    • Hacking
    • Phishing, Spear Phishing and Whaling
    • Malware, which includes viruses and ransomware
    • Denial of Service
    • Insider threats
  • Recent case studies
  • Individual responsibilities
    • Legal requirements
    • Reporting
  • Impacts of a cyber security breach
  • Managing cyber risk and preventing attacks
    • Workplace risks, including physical security
    • Email and electronic document risks
    • Mobile risks
    • Home/remote working risks
  • Keeping up to date

The general sessions are designed to take one hour plus time for questions and discussions. The board responsibility sessions are designed to be completed within 2 hours.

Cyber security awareness training is now an essential part of overall information governance and should be undertaken on an annual basis.

Solitaire Consulting’s approach to cyber security training is to focus on the human, not the IT elements. If you would like further information on either course, or a proposal to deliver awareness training to your staff, please contact us now.

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